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Just About Me

Hey you! I’ve got a secret for you, this is my first blog ever! So, try not to judge me, please! I’ve never been good with words, but hey we all got to start in some point if we have something precious to share! 

I can simply call myself a KEEN MOVER. As far as I can remember, I was all about movement. Well of course I have no idea what I was doing back then, there was an endless energy coming out of me. You may think every child has that energy or you’ll say I was a hyperactive kid, but I’m telling you there were something else. When I first started first grade, the class teacher called my mom for the parent meeting to discuss my behavior during the class. I remember like yesterday that we forced to sit in that chair for 45 minutes and after, walk around in shitty school corridors they call “playtime” for 10 minutes. All I wanted was to go out and climb a tree, swivel like crazy till I got dizzy and fell over the grass and keep rolling. But I was unable to do those stuff. So, I was disrupting the order, other students, class teacher. All I wanted was to move and move the others as well…

After couple of obligatory parents meeting, my mom decided to sign me up on a tennis course. It was helpful to consume the energy but it was definitely not enough for my passion in movement. She added the Ballet course into my schedule but soon enough I decided it’s far too delicate for me. I had to cross over the lines, create a fluid, vivacious, eccentric movement. I started to dance and explore the body on my own. In 2007 without any professional dance education, I was accepted to the Bachelor Degree Program, Modern Dance of Art Faculty at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul. I was enchanted by finding what I truly am and what I keen for…

2007-2012, such magical dancing years… In a certain period of life, we all should be honest with ourselves. Yes, I was in love with movement but do I want to be a dancer on stage? To be frank I didn’t have the balls for that! I wouldn’t dare to compromise that much of my life… 

Now I’m almost 29 years old, I’ve lost that train long ago. When I look back I have no regrets but victories. I was lucky enough to have a ballet teacher who was wise enough to use Pilates Principles to improve the body posture, strength and mobility. I was lucky enough to have an improvisation teacher who used sun salutations and meditation to increase the creativity and balance the bio-energy. 

In 2009, I received my first certification on Mat and Reformer modules 1 by Balanced Body. As soon as I complete the observing and intern sessions, I began to teach. At first it was only for fun and experience, I was teaching to my friends, close family, volunteers. I’ve always been modest and humble in my entire life, I don’t brag about myself easily. But when it’s obvious you got to give credit! When I started to teach I discovered the talent in me. I was pretty good at it. My communication skills, the energy that I bring in the class, the transition technique that grows within me, quickly impressed the very first clients of mine. I could see so clearly the mood change before and after the class, it amazed me! Soon after, I begin to receive class demands from out of my circle, people I don’t even know. It was a sudden jump, my schedule suddenly sold out. I combined the groups together with similar levels. 

After my university graduation I opened a boutique Studio called Homemade Pilates Studio in 2013. I had one Reformer, a Cadillac and a Chair. I’ve begin to teach day and night, tried to forward the knowledge within me. 

Now here is a confession! Despite I’m a strong believer that solid success comes through education, I did start my boutique Studio only with the Mat/Ref module 1 certification. I was unable to stop myself from teaching, learning, exploring and improving. I felt the need to get the Chair/Barrell certification in 2014, and the rest came (MAT/REF 2, REF3, TOWER/TRAPEZE) in 2016. I can’t tell for sure whether it’s been bad or good for me… But I believe, everything works the way they should and in the end, it’s always the best for you. In 2017 I passed the final exam of Balanced Body. Now I’m getting ready to become a Faculty Member and a Master Trainer.

Have you ever feel overwhelmed and exhausted even if it’s something you love? Well that happened to me and that hit hard! I don’t know if you believe in Signs but I really do. My sign is Gemini, I’m never good with decisions and how to find the balance. I always over-do something. I taught day and night in my Pilates Studio during 2013-2017. I over-booked my schedule. In conclusion, I was weary and want to quit everything! I even consider working in an office just to get away! 

Right at that time a friend pulled me into a Yoga class! And I was like WOW, reborn, recharged, refreshed!!! From that day on I started my Yoga practice in a daily routine. Sometimes in a studio class but mostly a self-practice at home. It is truly beyond words how much it did help me to find my inner balance. 

We do loose it often, all of us… It’s pretty human. But remember it’s always YOU first. You are the main subject of your life, everything else around you happens for you! 

After a long self-practice and exploration the inner self period, I felt ready. I was ready to share and deliver this knowledge with others so they can experience and explore something quite new and marvelous within their selves. I got certified as Yoga Teacher in 2015 by Yoga Alliance. 

Exploring the human body and learning new methods how to use it, is a never-ending ocean. Beside that, movement is a water drop. My passion is to gather the drops together to create waves in different shapes. Sometimes those waves flows into some Yoga sequences, sometimes in a Pilates method and often by dancing.

I do believe one day those waves will create something unknown, unheard, untouched… I’m digging deep into that!



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